American Gent Barbershop, LLC
Beauty Salon/SpaPersonal Services
Mon: 1 - 5 PM
Tues-Thurs: 9:30 AM - 6 PM
Fri: 9:30 AM - 5 PM
Sat: 9:30 AM - 1 PM
Sun: Closed
About Us
American Gent Barbershop owner Josh Fedrick is a Kosciusko native and graduate of Kosciusko barber college with 10+ years of experience.
After barber college, he trained under his mother Beverly Fedrick at Hair Solutions. He later went on to get further training from Zack Musselwhite at Musselwhite’s Barbershop in Columbus, MS. He opened American Gent Barbershop in 2015.
Video Media

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Josh Fedrick is a Kosciusko native and graduate of Kosciusko barber college with 10+ years of experience. After barber college, he trained under his mother Beverly Fedrick at Hair Solutions. He later went on to get further training from Zack Musselwhite at Musselwhite's Barbershop in Columbus, MS. He opened American Gent Barbershop in 2015.

Brennan Crosby is a Clinton, MS native and graduate of Mississippi State and Kosciusko barber college. After several years of bartending throughout the south and Aspen, CO, he started barber college and has been training with Josh ever since.